Benefits of Green Tea With Lemon: Learn About The Unknown Facts Within Seconds!

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Benefits of Green Tea With Lemon

We all know the amazing benefits of including green tea in your diet and how it helps in several other ways. But what about it when you include it with a few drops of lemon in your diet? Well, we’ll discuss the results later on, but first, let’s take a look at the brighter side which is it gets more flavorful and tastes good. Most people can’t tolerate the bare taste of green tea and they might like the taste better with lemon drops in it. Let’s now look at the astounding benefits of green tea with lemon. If you want to know all the health benefits this combo offers then stick around till the end. Without blabbering further let’s get to the topic.

Benefits of Green Tea With Lemon

Benefits of Green Tea

First, let’s take a look at the benefits of green tea. If you want to know it even better, then you need to know the sole benefits of green tea. Green tea is considered one of the most beneficial beverages in the world. Let’s take a close look at the benefits of including green tea in your daily diet.

  1. Helps with burning fat – the most common benefit of green tea is that it helps in burning fat and bad fat in that sense. Mostly green tea is advised to get rid of excess fat. It helps in breaking down the fat compound that’s stored in your body.
  2. Protects brain aging – It is shown that green tea can help slow aging. It helps to keep away Alzheimer’s disease as well. It is known that
  3. Green tea is rich in antioxidants – if you don’t know, then you need to, that green tea is rich in antioxidants which protect against inflammation and also protect from cell damage. Antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate, quercetin, and theogallin.
  4. Say bye-bye to future diabetes – if your family tree has a history of diabetes then you should start drinking green tea from now. Green has the capability to protect against type 2 diabetes. It enhances the ability to use insulin effectively in the body. In that sense having green tea is justified to keep away diabetes. Also, people with diabetes can start drinking green tea to Balance it.
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Benefits of Green tea with lemon

Now let’s a look at the benefits that you’ll get if you mix a few drops of lemon while drinking green tea. Green tea is packed with goodness and so does this citric vegetable. According to the researchers after water, green tea, or in that sense any tea which is unsweetened is ideal for hydration. You can drink multiple glasses of tea without having guilt or anything. But there’s a catch, you need to have unsweetened tea cause sugar is definitely not healthy and not a good alternative. You can use natural honey instead though. On the contrary, green tea is widely known for its fat-burning or calorie-burning capability and moreover lemon and honey also help in burning fat. Let’s now take a look at the other benefits that you’ll get if you start consuming green tea with lemon.

1. Reduces the risk of lung and breast Cancer

Women who are known to drink green tea every day with lemon specifically is known to have a low risk of getting breast tumors or cancers. It is analyzed that women who drink this formula have a low risk of breast Cancer. Green tea with lemon also lowers the risk of lung cancer.

2. It helps you relax after a tiring day

After a long tiring day, a cup of green tea with lemon tastes way too relaxing and it also helps to rejuvenate the lost energy in your body. By drinking tea, you can get L theanine in your body and as a supplement. This component ( L-theanine) helps in restoring lost energy and also increases concentration. It also helps your brain roam stress-free which is also important.

3. Removes bad cholesterol

Cholesterol is a common problem nowadays and it is necessary to keep it on track as it reduces the chance of heart blockage. In that sense, green tea with lemon is known to remove bad cholesterol and control it as well.

4. Keeps you miles away from viral fever

Viral fever is quite common during the monsoons or due to weather changes. Regular intake of green tea with lemon can help you keep away viral fever or regular cough and cold. If you suffer from frequent fever and cold then start drinking green tea with lemon. Why with lemon? Check the next point.

Benefits of Green Tea With Lemon

5. Helps to build immunity

For lemon, lemon is known to restore immunity and help you fight against diseases. Lemon is a micro source and amazing potent formula of packed antioxidants, water-soluble micronutrients, and vitamin C which helps in boosting immunity. It can also keep away respiratory problems and help overcome autoimmune disorders.

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6. Prevent kidney stones and keep kidneys clean

A lot of people don’t know about this but both green tea and lemon have the capability to lower the risk of getting kidney stones. It also helps drive away urine infection, if you are urinating frequently, try consuming green tea with lemon. You’ll recover slowly and meanwhile, it’ll also clean impurities and germs. Lemons are a great source when it comes to keeping away kidney stones, as they start binding it with calcium oxalate. When bound with green tea, you can literally treat kidney problems naturally.

7. Helps in digestion

Another effective benefit of green tea and lemon is together it helps in digestion. It helps the antioxidants easily get absorbed into the body. It slows down iron assimilation from foods in your diet where the effect can be reduced if you intake tea with lemon. Lemon is a great source of digestion though to some people it is not. But if you consume it at the right time, you’ll see the effect automatically.

8. Helps in removing plaque

Though not widely proven, it is known that green tea with lemon helps in removing plaque and keeping oral health in check. Though more evidence is needed to make it a more valid point some people noticed changes in their oral health after they started consuming green tea with lemon.

How to make green tea with lemon

Here’s a quick and simple recipe if you are wondering how to make green tea with lemon. Well, you can either make a tea that is piping hot or you can also make iced green tea with lemon for Summer as it is quite refreshing as well.

Ingredients –

  • green tea
  • lemon Juice
  • honey (if needed)

Procedure –

For normal green tea with lemon

In a pan add water, and let it boil. Add green tea leaves when the water starts to bubble and then let it stumble for almost a minute. Add a few drops of lemon according to your taste. Do not add more or else it’ll turn sour. Filter the tea leaves and serve it in a cup. Add a few drops of honey if needed.

Procedure for iced green tea with a lemon punch

For cold green tea and lemon, make green tea as you normally do. If with a tea bag, then just dip it in lukewarm water and let it cool. Take ice cubes in a glass, add the tea mixture with cold water in a 3:1 ratio, and then add a few drops of honey. Add lemon juice but again not too much. Mix it well and enjoy.

Benefits of Green Tea With Lemon

Conclusive Insights

These are some of the Known and proven benefits that green tea and lemon offer. Drinking tea is definitely a staple for a lot of people, but if you can drink it in a healthy way it can help you fight diseases as well. Hopefully, this article was relevant and informative. Drop down your valuable thoughts below. Also, let us know how you prefer drinking your green tea!